Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Treading My Mill

treadmillWell, we did it! Finally purchased a treadmill for the Hoffman household (including Beignet)!!! I had NO IDEA that this sucker was going to be such a beast to get into the house, let alone my room which is on the third floor. The salesman at Dicks was not allowed to tie the box into our car, so I was climbing all over pulling twine here and there and knotting it as best I could. Next, it was the journey of carrying the monster machine from the car up two flights of stairs... can you say sore? Now, I may be an almost graduate of a well known design/architecture school in NC, but these directions were brutal! It took me two whole nights, and one trip to Lowe's before I got the machine up and running. I mean really, what would people do if they couldn't lift and tighten all these parts? Well, after two nights, I did get it up and running and so was I! I've put in four miles to the treadmill thus far and boy this baby runs like a dream (no pun intended)! So now if you can't find me ... or Beignet... and we're not out riding Roxie... try the mill cause we're probably treadin!


Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see Beignet treading the mill!

Sush said... should see me! xoxo Little Steps for both of us...!!!
I know you will get her going on it, Elise...u have the magic touch!

lisa said...

So, I know that this post was about your new treadmill (yay!) but what I cannot believe is that you are a soon-to-be GRADUATE!!!